
ilanders Patron

Favorite films

  • Alice in the Cities
  • Winter Light
  • Whispering Pages
  • The Turin Horse

Recent activity

  • Crystal


  • Winter has a dream


  • Chrysanthemum Inspiration


  • Feel


Pinned reviews

  • Afternoons of Solitude

    Afternoons of Solitude


    1. Beauty of unfairness and unfairness of beauty.
    2. Life is worth nothing.
    IFFR 2025, Feb 1

    It is a pretty typical of Serra to desacralize gorgeously pompous topics via over-routinization and patient meditation. Obviously, there is a difference between slaughterhouse and this elite and refined world of corrida, and Serra is working his way to reduce this gap. Comparing to some giants of documentary (i.g. Herzog) "AoS" is purely primitive and empty. Serra adapts the fly-on-the-wall approach, since because…

  • A Traveler's Needs

    A Traveler's Needs


    Iris lies on these stones as letters of poems. She walks barefoot, she says what she thinks, she do what she want, without the language - totally the opposite to what locals do hiding behind something being afraid of god knows what. Iris brings simple and ordinary poetry to the lives of these people - not breath-taking, not fundamental, but totally regular. Which is a good analogy to this film.


Recent reviews

  • Crystal



    this one is still beautiful, not sure what have happened to other ones

  • D is for Distance

    D is for Distance


    calm vibes of Benning, intercourse Godardian cuts.

    Jeden Svět, Ponrepo

Popular reviews

  • The Zone of Interest

    The Zone of Interest


    Жена Хёсса нахваливает маме патисончики и капусточку на даче отгороженной от Аушвица забором, сам Хёсс две минуты закрывает все двери в доме методично выключает в каждой комнате свет, его дочери снится сон в негативе где Гретель в образе польской девочки раскладывает светящиеся яблоки в грязи. К сожалению, суммарно вышла какая-то чепуха, и мне действительно невдомёк отчего столько восторгов, хотя в целом от показа на Роттердамском Кинофестивале IFFR в совершенно чудесном de Doelen сплошь положительные эмоции, за исключением того факта, что,…

  • Alice in the Cities

    Alice in the Cities


    art aesthetic: 4/4

    The photography is just gorgeous, the industrial calm world (like Bechers). It's very narrow, plain and smooth.

    story telling: 4/4

    The plot is significantly dedramatized, it feels like Jarmush's Deadman - pure road-movie without much action.

    theme exploring: 4/4

    Man in his early 30-s trying to find himself back.
    Various curious dichotomies:
    - States / Europe
    - being alone / being with someone
    - taking care about yourself / taking care about someone
    - doing what you think you like / doing what you should do

    It's a very existential movie, but at the same time it's natural, calm and not obtrusive