

Favorite films

  • Holes
  • La La Land
  • Interstellar

Recent activity

  • Punch-Drunk Love


  • Bohemian Rhapsody


  • La La Land


  • Magnolia


Recent reviews

  • Punch-Drunk Love

    Punch-Drunk Love


    I’m in the mist of self improvement month, currently on cum-step week I’m still confused on this will have to use my reflection days to make sense of it. Last week was hard with water only and no pissing but I feel it has gone good all my toxins are drained out from the no water week. The very first week on the month was probably the best I’d say with stank week it got pretty stanky. Movie was good also I feel Adam sander in the movie is a fellow stanker.

  • Bohemian Rhapsody

    Bohemian Rhapsody


    Watched on a flight and didn’t piss the entire time. Downed one white monster energy, a water bottle and, a ginger ale. Would call it a personal best but I think I can do better. Movie was also good except when they created their big songs, a lot of “wait say that again” energy.

Popular reviews

  • Magnolia



    SEDUCE!!! and… DESTROY!!!!! 🐺 #mommyissues #daddyissues #watchbothmyparentsdieofcancer. Ima frog you to finish up YOUR story.

  • Hard Eight

    Hard Eight


    Goooood moooovie veeeeery short and very quick movie. Good music and scenes and very unexpected what happened. I drank too much milk during it and kinda felt trash (hence the half off) but good movie overall.