I would really like to hang out with Mark Anthony some day. I hope he's doing alright nowadays.
What a beautiful, sad film this was.
I would really like to hang out with Mark Anthony some day. I hope he's doing alright nowadays.
What a beautiful, sad film this was.
Painstakingly capitalist filmmaking, so bad it hurts physically, but the artstyle, character design and general production design in this were quite good, a lot better than the other "disney" star wars films I've seen. And most Star Wars film have always been pretty dull anyway. So I dunno, I'm gonna it two stars. Naah, half a star is ok. Fuck Disney.
Bae Doona is just the sweetest. She has such an intense and heartwarming presence on the screen, it's really wonderful.
Absolutely in love with this film right now. Never have I seen a film that is both this realistic and absurd, minimalistic and wide-reaching in its scope. It takes its two main characters, gloomy locations with gorgeous cinematography, combines so many seemingly polar opposites and in the end just wholeheartedly screams out its lust for life.
What a film.