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Recent reviews

Jonny - Will we ever get back to this? ★★★★★

Jordy - This film is a masterclass of thrilling suspense with minimal locations, it truly showcases the unbelievable range of creativity of Rob Reiner. ★★★★★

Aly - I support women's rights, but more importantly, I support their wrongs. In this case, Kathy did nothing wrong. ★★★★★

Jonny - An amusing showcase of Fraser's silly comedic talents. ★★★

Jordy - I knew absolutely nothing going into this and I'm so glad I did. I found myself crying from laughter on multiple occasions during this movie, I could've watched 20 more wishes. ★★★★

Aly - There's just NO WAY people think this isn't oscar worthy! One of the funniest movies to ever have been made and i'm not even exaggerating. ★★★★★

This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

Jonny - A single-location mystery with parallels to Clue written by QT? Yeah go ahead and inject it into my arteries. ★★★★

Jordy - For a movie that is all talking I was locked in from start to finish, with a minimalist story that packs a punch. ★★★★

Aly - Kinda indifferent about the whole thing. Like its fine, i guess, but with the names both in front of and behind the camera I really was expecting more from this. ★★★

Jonny - Anything that can be said in praise isn't enough. There Will Be Blood is a towering unmatchable feat. ★★★★★

Jordy - An insane tale of how people can be truly influenced by greed. Even though this movie is at least 90% talking, the writing and acting performances had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. ★★★★

Aly - Grabs you by your throat and demands your attention until the credits roll. I miss when movies had Daniel Day-Lewis in them. ★★★★

Jonny - A fun, and imaginative approach to television satire that cleverly spoofs the programs of its time. Stay Tuned engages with creativity turning each channel into a battleground for its characters. Loads of fun! ★★★

Jordy - A super fun and creative joyride that is brought to life with its unique story and many beautiful/detailed practical set pieces. And nobody would've been more perfect than John Ritter for this crazy wacky adventure. ★★★★

Aly - Mouse mom is a hear me out ★★★★

Jonny - Costner's contributions to the Old West is a thing of beauty. With stunning landscapes that are allowed to breathe - It's a film of rugged wisdom, honor, and freedom. With a gun battle directed to perfection, that is both thrilling and grounded. ★★★★★

Jordy - The story telling and world building in this film is superb, within minutes i was feeling for all four characters that we're introduced to. I found myself crying, smiling and on the absolute…

Jonny - It's visually breathtaking , and a thematically rich piece of cinema. However, its relentless ambition and thirst for meticulous detail can also be its downfall, leading to a film that feels both grandiose and cumbersome. Overburdened by its own aspirations where the narrative comes in second place.
Also! this is peak cuck. ★★★

Jordy - This movie was severely overrated, honestly felt like they were using shock value to increase the viewership, the attempt of making a tale…