


Favorite films

  • Frances Ha
  • Papicha
  • The Darjeeling Limited
  • The Eight Mountains

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  • A Complete Unknown

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  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse


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Recent reviews

  • No Other Land

    No Other Land

    Sumud, it’s so much more than resilience, steadfastness, how much of it does a Palestinian need to stay in a land that they know will be demolished, filled with cement and cartridges?
    Basel’s dad replies to a kid telling him that an Israeli army car just passed them, while going on a trip, that their power is sumud, that they need to hold onto that hope that one day palestine will be free, will be theirs again.
    Indigenous people know…

  • Sorry to Bother You

    Sorry to Bother You


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

Popular reviews

  • Gaza Surf Club

    Gaza Surf Club

    ibrahim: “5 children were killed on the beach, part of the elbakri family”
    interviewer: “aRe thEre any GiRl sUrfeRs in gAzA?”
    this is the white-centric vision of any Muslim country, I agree it’s oppressive, women SHOULD be allowed to surf but that’s on the patriarchy and not on Islam.
    The point of “they live under an oppressive OCCUPATION that takes their houses and MURDERS them” is always missed. Women are doubly oppressed but they can’t liberate themselves under a siege (and now a genocide).
    Nonetheless, beautiful little documentary on a group of people trying to take their minds off the terror they constantly live in.

  • Jenin, Jenin

    Jenin, Jenin

    i needed to watch that girl’s determination and strength, i hope she’s an alive woman screaming at the IDF soldiers how coward they are