

Favorite films

  • T2 Trainspotting
  • Raw
  • Aftersun
  • Suspiria

Recent activity

  • I Spit on Your Grave

  • Nosferatu


  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


  • Longlegs


Recent reviews

  • I Spit on Your Grave

    I Spit on Your Grave

    from the poster alone you can tell a man directed this. there is no focus on jenniffer at all, she feels like a vessel for torture through the whole movie: no showing how she healed after her trauma, no preparations of her trap, no shift in her personality.....instead we get to follow the rapists one more time for way way too long - i had to skip most of their scenes. so much could have been done with her writer…

  • I'm Still Here

    I'm Still Here


    na minha sessão no cinema depois da cena que a eunice finalmente consegue o atestado de óbito uma moça começou a chorar e soluçar muito alto, e eu pensei "caramba, deve ter se emocionado muito.....que filme envolvente" ......mas não, ela tinha se engasgado com uma pipoca e não estava conseguindo respirar e todo mundo em volta começou a se desesperar e uma moça saiu do outro lado do cinema pra fazer a manobra de heimlich nela até ela conseguir finalmente cuspir e todo mundo só voltou a assistir em silêncio como se nada tivesse acontecido

Popular reviews

  • The House That Jack Built

    The House That Jack Built


    i literally adore how jack tried to come off as so smart and planning and in control and tries to make us believe all his victims are total idiots when he's actually a total failure and only kept getting away with murder by sheer luck. you go virgil get his ass

  • The Substance

    The Substance


