

Favorite films

  • Attack the Gas Station!
  • Billy Madison
  • Desperado
  • Mad Max 2

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  • Maria Candelaria

  • Across This Land with Stompin' Tom Connors

  • Piranha II: The Spawning

  • Piranha

Recent reviews

  • Maria Candelaria

    Maria Candelaria

    In thinking about the tragedy of Maria Candelaria, it's kind of fascinating, the imposition of story upon the body of her. She is never allowed to really determine her one nature or to simply live; her existence is almost always ruined by everyone that she encounters. The painter wants to exploit her, the priest wants to convert her, the shopkeeper wants to possess her, the townspeople condemn her for being the daughter of a prostitute and the one she loves,…

  • Across This Land with Stompin' Tom Connors

    Across This Land with Stompin' Tom Connors

    From "Canuxploitation, your complete guide to Canadian b-film":

    "Connors' likable performance and undeniable talent makes Across This Land an easy film to enjoy. But more than that, Saxton's film is a poignant reminder of the way Connors' music played a central role in developing common narratives that continue to be weaved through movies produced across the country, including a name-dropping nostalgia for hometowns at a time when Canadians were leaving rural areas and heading off to seek their fortune in larger cities--a trend heart-wrenchingly rendered in Canadian films released at the time like Goin' Down the Road and The Hard Part Begins."

Popular reviews

  • The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension

    The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension


    Hey, hey, hey, hey-now. Don't be mean. We don't have to be mean. 'Cos remember: no matter where you go...there you are.

    The only thing I gotta say about this film is that it's better in the theater or amongst 100 of your closest friends. It's an experience, and doesn't play the same at home. See it in a theater.

  • Tremors



    I'm pretty shocked Michael Gross from Family Ties is in this and playing against type. Anyways, Fred Ward and Kevin Bacon are great fun, and lead a solid cast. Also led me down a rabbit hole about Graboids and a whole lot of Tremors lore. Good times.

    Edit: incorrectly named Kevin Costner, not Kevin Bacon 😓 Ty to Derek for the catch!!