Some Movie Reviewer

Some Movie Reviewer

A person here to review movies and stuff.

Favorite films

  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  • The Dark Knight
  • La La Land
  • Back to the Future

Recent activity

  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse


  • Ford v Ferrari

  • The Farewell

  • Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Recent reviews

  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

    Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse


    This movie is still awesome. Some random thoughts:

    - Daniel Pemberton is awesome and underrated as heck. His score in this gives me chills.

    - Every time there’s a dramatic moment, and a comedic moment comes up, it always works and is never jarring.

    - The final battle is visually spectacular, and Miles’ one on one with Kingpin is so darn intense.

    - Spider-Man Noir is boss.

    - Tom Cavanagh would be a great alternate pick for Peter B. Parker.…

  • Crazy Rich Asians

    Crazy Rich Asians


    Honestly, I don’t really watch a lot of rom-coms, mostly because I don’t like the cliches of the genre. But I was interested to watch this because of its setting and its 99% Asian cast. And for the most part, those aspects didn’t disappoint me. The film looks spectacular, and love the costumes and the production design. I was completely enamored in the absolutely beautiful Singapore setting. And the cast is wonderful, even though I don’t like all of the…

Popular reviews

  • Hail, Caesar!

    Hail, Caesar!


    I love the setting of the film and how it is presented. The Coen brothers expertly showed the wonder and excitement of 1950s Hollywood very well, and did a spectacular job at directing overall. Roger Deakins’ cinematography and the production and costume design teams contributed to the film’s stunning look as well. Josh Brolin gives a wonderful lead performance as Eddie, showing the daily struggles of a man with his job. Everyone in the ensemble cast were great as well,…

  • Goldman v Silverman

    Goldman v Silverman


    An interesting short film that I thoroughly enjoyed! Adam and Benny were great in it!
