Isaac Cook Handelman

Isaac Cook Handelman Pro

5 = i luv 
4 = i rlly like
3 = i like
2 = eh but i like some aspects
1 = oof i like very few…

Favorite films

  • Twin Peaks: The Return
  • Inland Empire
  • Blue Velvet
  • Mulholland Drive

Recent activity

  • Wanda


  • The Rock


  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3


  • The King of Comedy


Pinned reviews

  • Mulholland Drive

    Mulholland Drive


    As with most of Lynch’s works, trying to square Mulholland Drive using logic is a fool’s errand. It’s a sensory experience, a peek behind the veil of reality to reveal the seething darkness behind humanity’s performance of normalcy. It’s romantic, amusing, tragic, and deeply frightening. It is the singular work of a visionary operating at the height of his powers, and like all of humanity’s greatest works of art it cannot be understood so much as it might help us understand ourselves.

  • Eraserhead



    It’s sort of hard to believe that the man who made this movie at age 30 managed not to become a jaded cynic in his old age, yet the later works of Lynch reveal that his sense of humor (evident here despite the bleakness) and his universal empathy for the hapless bystanders of incomprehensible reality always endured. His is not an imagination that we lose lightly.

Recent reviews

  • Wanda



    Bonnie & Clyde without the rose-tinted glasses

  • The Rock

    The Rock


    Around the 2/3 point I found myself down a Michael Bay thought-hole, pondering the fact that five Transformers movies have released since the LaBeoufian Trilogy, and I have seen none of them nor do I really want to. I guess that’s what you call growing up.

Popular reviews

  • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

    Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom


    You know, I think this one’s always been my favorite. I just used to be scared to admit it — and tbh I kinda still am. 👀

    Because this has gotta be one of the most overtly racist movies that I hold near and dear to my heart. Putting the regressiveness aside (if you’re ok with doing that kind of thing) so many of its sequences are seared into my brain. The energy is completely different than Raiders, with Indy…

  • We're All Going to the World's Fair

    We're All Going to the World's Fair


    OCTOBER SPOOKFEST night 3 (on night 4, because we were at a My Chemical Romance concert on night 3)

    First ASMR horror movie? Though this is not always an enjoyable experience, neither is ASMR, or the internet. Or depression.