

Favorite films

  • Midnight in Paris
  • Kiki's Delivery Service
  • Perfect Days
  • Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles

Recent activity

  • Holy Cow


  • Where Is the Friend's House?


  • Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles


  • Nomad


Recent reviews

  • Holy Cow

    Holy Cow


    beaucoup de rires et de larmes

  • Where Is the Friend's House?

    Where Is the Friend's House?


    a touching story about a young boy’s quest to find his classmate’s house in order to return his school notebook. Kiarostami captures the rawness, innocence and empathy of a briefly lived period of our lives i.e. our childhood, while demonstrating the mastery of his own craft through visually stunning shots.

    i saw glimpses of myself in parts of this brilliantly simple plot, though couldn’t fully relate, having left my home country at a very young age. however, the person that…

Popular reviews

  • All of Us Strangers

    All of Us Strangers

    why can’t hollywood ever make a gay movie that doesn’t end tragically?

  • Midnight in Paris

    Midnight in Paris


    mon film préféré de tous les temps (un woody allen lol je sais😵‍💫😵‍💫)
    les 10 premières minutes = bonheur sur terre, pure extase, chef d’œuvre, la chapelle sixtine de michel ange, le 8e merveille du monde, la représentation du paradis à travers le 7e art, le wig de katy perry BREF nothing to add. 
    j’associerai toujours ce film à mon arrivée en france, à paris, à la découverte du louvre, des cafés dans les rues étroites du quartier latin, des…
