You only live once, but if you do it right, Once is enough.
Seeking meaning in movies, and life.
A 2-hr long Breaking Bad epilogue episode of Jessie Pinkman(me)'s therapy session where Vince tries his best to wash off his sins for throwing Jessie under the gutter every chance he got.
And he somehow succeeds 'cuz this hit right in the feels🥺
Wishing everyone a chance to free & flee like Jessie✨
Taking a plot of a jewellery agent getting back his rented jewellery at the night of the wedding and making it a movie about ego, greed, resilience and redemption AND having a message for suicide, dowry and the state of Indian marriages PLUS some tips on how to live, is some of the finest wizardry only witnessed from mollywood's filmmakers.
Needless to say, Basil as an actor can't be ignored anymore; he's in the mollywood's list of Current Gen's Top…
Pure fun ride. Probably the most entertaining movie of the decade.
An always-on-the-edge Ranga (played by the phenomenal Fahad), a monstrous soundtrack by Sushin and it's the second damn movie from Jithu Madhavan right off the Romacham fever. Didn't miss.
Second's streak continues..