Isy Mac

Isy Mac Pro

English lit & art history student procrastinating through movies. 


Favorite films

  • Roman Holiday
  • Princess Mononoke
  • Desert Hearts
  • Sans Soleil

Recent activity

  • Howards End


  • The War of the Worlds

  • Her Deadly Night in Paris

  • Mr. Nobody


Pinned reviews

  • The Cars That Ate Paris

    The Cars That Ate Paris


    Australia's The Wicker Man, an extremely weird horror-comedy that anticipates Mad Max. The Cars That Ate Paris is about as bizarre as it sounds, and I really loved it. That might just be my eternal love for the Australian Gothic and weird 70s Aussie New Wave cinema, but I'm going to pretend that my opinion is entirely rational and unbiased.

    Cars swaps the sublime ruins and foreboding castles popularised by the European gothic of the 18th-century onwards for the Platonic…

  • Sans Soleil

    Sans Soleil


    I will have spent my life trying to understand the function of remembering, which is not the opposite of forgetting, but rather its lining. We do not remember. We rewrite memory much as history is rewritten.

    Who remembers all that? History throws its empty bottles out the window.

    I’m sorely tempted to not write an actual review for Sans Soleil, but instead just keep on copying out all the quotes that made my head spin. However, if I were to…

Recent reviews

  • Howards End

    Howards End


    I already loved this as a film; now, having read Forster’s novel (partially), I love it as an adaptation too. (It also got the seal of approval from my lecturer; big plus!) Usually I don’t really care about “faithfulness” in terms of specific detail, but I appreciate it here - it was close enough to the text itself that I made it through class today based off of 40 pages of the book and a rewatch!

    Captures Forster’s social comedy…

  • The War of the Worlds

    The War of the Worlds

    Totally clumsy and, even worse, boring. Just a bizarrely bad take on Wells’s novel, taking the premise of turning colonialism back on the centre of the British Empire into an odd and uninteresting Cold War sci fi flick. There are great 50s science fiction movies… this is not one of them. Pretty sure Steven Spielberg’s adaptation was just a remake of this film - down to the Martian arm drooping out of the ship at the end.

Popular reviews

  • Desert Hearts

    Desert Hearts


    What is it you want?
    Another 40 minutes with you.

    Desert Hearts is not the perfect film I thought it was when I was 16. Sometimes the acting is stilted, or the dialogue is unrealistic, or it's a bit too blunt/unsubtle, or the editing is jarringly reminiscent of PowerPoint transitions. But, to me now - and to who I was then, sitting on my bed watching this (totally legally!) instead of finishing a Chemistry assignment - it couldn’t be more…

  • Barbie and the Diamond Castle

    Barbie and the Diamond Castle


    How is Barbie and the Diamond Castle, a straight to DVD glorified toy advertisement with Sims 2 quality animation, literally more gay than 90% of actually gay movies?? Cannot believe Alexa and Liana spend more than half the movie singing legitimate love songs to each other ... they even travel away from the two male love interests on a rainbow??? They live in an isolated cottage in the woods together and wear colour coordinated dresses/matching magic heart necklaces and spend…