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I just enjoy film of all kinds. Particularily horror.
This movie is just tons of fun. I don't have a lot to say about it, my only real criticism would be one death is offscreen that shouldn't be (but I think there's a purpose to that and that it'll be expanded upon in a Terrifier 4) and there is a scene or two that feels cut out, like we're missing some context or that some stuff was left on the cutting room floor.
But the kills are fantastic, really…
This is enjoyable. It certainly feels American made though, and has that action blockbuster style to it. That may work for people, and not for others. There is a focus on the characters that really holds the film down though and I found the dynamic between the father and son to be the highlight of the film. It spends more time following the MUTOS though than Godzilla, and the action feels kinda... lifeless? It's not incredibly engaging and doesn't have…
This movie is generic trash. The positives are few and far between, but I didn't care for this movie much. It had faint touches of woke-ism to it, the writing was boring, and the characters were just not it.
This movie just doesn't feel realistic and is way too edgy. It relies too heavily on showing the demonically possessed girls doing completely random, stereotypically edgy demon stuff that's been done a million times before. There is no real buildup here,…
"Sometimes those who accept their fate, have an easier time-"
"Easier time what? Dying? So your advice to me... is to die easy?"
Saw X is a phenomenal return to form for the franchise, and stands neck and neck with the best offered in this franchise, and it makes me SO happy to say that. The heart of this film is Tobin Bell, who gives his best performance of John Kramer yet, as a man just trying to prolong his…