Ivar Gardarsson

Ivar Gardarsson Pro

Favorite films are just some personal fave's, good and bad.


Favorite films

  • It's Such a Beautiful Day
  • Cry-Baby
  • A Ghost Story
  • OPAL

Recent activity

  • The Creator


  • Look Back


  • Princess Mononoke


  • Wolfwalkers


Recent reviews

  • The Creator

    The Creator


    House sitting for my mom and i have nothing to do but watch movies the review series.

    Gareth Edwards is really good at visuals and making the world seem real and lived in. Just like Rogue One this movie suffers from weird pacing issues and an issue with connecting you to the characters beyond the surface level. I wish he would just focus on the worldbuilding and visuals and let someone else figure out the human stuff.

  • Look Back

    Look Back


    Didin't hit me as hard as it seems to have done for other people. Maybe later in my life it will resonate with me.

Popular reviews

  • Avengers: Endgame

    Avengers: Endgame

    So that's it, huh? We're some kind of Avengers: Endgame?

  • Heartstone



    The most beautiful and realistic deception of coming in terms with your sexuality at a young age. Emotional roller coaster, the best coming of age story i have seen and one of the best icelandic movie ive seen. If you somehow get a chance to watch it, please do. Just remember to bring the tissue's.