

If I haven’t posted a movie in over a month pls text me to remind me that movies exist

Favorite films

  • It's a Wonderful Life
  • Isle of Dogs
  • Talk to Me
  • My Neighbor Totoro

Recent activity

  • The Departed

  • Water Lilies


  • The Monkey


  • Gladiator II

Recent reviews

  • The Departed

    The Departed

    Walked away talking in a boston accent for the next two days so the Depahted wasn’t all bad

  • Water Lilies

    Water Lilies


    STAND UPPPPP (it’s adele so i understand but come on pooks)

Popular reviews

  • Wicked



    Wait Ariana Grande is funnier than I thought!! 

    Also I rewinded Cynthia’s belt at the end because Jo sang over it little asshole

  • Life of Pi

    Life of Pi


    I’d forgotten how spectacular this movie is. Pi’s reminiscent comment about how the hardest parts in life are not letting go but instead not being able to say goodbye was so timely for me. I’ve spent the last week saying my goodbyes and see you laters to my friends and family as I head off to college for my sophomore year. Some of the goodbyes felt permanent, others I know are just bookmarks for the next time. I’m sad that…
