Rest in peace Mr. Lynch. I know I am not unique or in a select club saying that you changed my life. Your films changed the way I view cinema permanently and expanded the boundaries of which I thought film could exist in.
I wish I could’ve met you and drink coffee and smoke cigarettes and talk about our dreams, but for now i will continue watching your masterpieces trying to learn more about myself every single time and motivate myself to become a better artist
Don’t even care how incoherent many parts of this is. The feelings exhibited in it are unmatched and I’m beyond happy this exists
A Cronenbergian fueled Dorian Gray. I’d be lying if I didn’t think that some of this films talking points are on the nose or that it doesn’t really justify its 140 runtime (like seriously this could’ve been 100 minutes MAX)
But I’d also be lying if I didn’t say that my jaw was on the floor for the final 20 minutes