Jake Manning

Jake Manning

Favorite films

  • Mirror
  • Synecdoche, New York
  • Zodiac
  • Magnolia

Recent activity

  • Peter Pan

  • The Eye


  • Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus

  • The Cat in the Hat


Recent reviews

  • Barbie as The Princess & the Pauper

    Barbie as The Princess & the Pauper


    I just felt like Princess Barbie needed to be scalped in this

  • Terrifier 3

    Terrifier 3


    While this does have a tonal shift towards the end, is missing what feel like key scenes, and maybe runs a tad too long for what it is, my God was this entertaining.

    The silliness of Art really made this one for me, and the gore helped a bit too, but can we pleas give David Howard Thornton an Oscar?

Popular reviews

  • Tombs of the Blind Dead

    Tombs of the Blind Dead


    All the budget went on Betty’s costume design

  • Tarot



    Do you remember that scene in the SpongeBob movie where SpongeBob steps on Plankton and thinks it’s something else and starts scraping his shoe along the floor, but Plankton is screaming in agony and SpongeBob carries on, then you realise that this is probably the slowest part of Plankton’s life: each of his physical molecules being scraped across concrete, his nerve endings being raked over gravel and rock, the most excruciating pain he’s ever felt?

    That’s what Tarot feels like.
