Jake Ballantyne

Jake Ballantyne

Favorite films

  • The Fugitive
  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • Snatch
  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Recent activity

  • Heat


  • The Notebook


  • Misery


  • The Killing


Recent reviews

  • American Graffiti

    American Graffiti


    After the mixed reception of 1971’s oddball sci-fi flick THX 1138, George Lucas attempted to make a film that would appeal to a more mainstream audience. The result was 1973’s American Graffiti, Lucas’ ode to the summer of 1962; a final hour of innocence and calm (when all one had to worry about was cool cars, beautiful women and rock and roll) before the chaotic and irrevocable bombshells that would shake not just the USA but the entire world in…

  • Before Sunrise

    Before Sunrise


    Before Sunrise is the first film I've seen in a while that without exaggeration broke me. When the film cut to black I found myself speechless due to being in a deep state of retrospection on how events that unfold in the film paralleled with my own life.

    Despite Before Sunrise's meticulously rehearsed acting and blocking the film feels almost improvised as though we are just along for the ride with these characters watching them grow closer together in real…

Popular reviews

  • Punch-Drunk Love

    Punch-Drunk Love


    Interesting deconstruction of the archetypal Adam Sandler character. Defintely Sandler's best acting role and quite possibly his best film. Really empathised and routed for his character. Also liked PTA's use of back-light in a lot of shots; made for some cool looking visuals. Would recommend.

  • Batman Begins

    Batman Begins


    Next to Unbreakable Batman Begins is perhaps the most overlooked film in the entire superhero genre. Due to the sheer popularity of both The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises Batman Begins is often not paid the same reverence among the fandom as its sequels however it is certainly warranted.

    People often overlook that there are only 8 years between Joel Schumacher's infamous Batman and Robin and Batman Begins. It can not cannot be emphasised enough how far removed these…
