Lover of three star comedies, Owen Wilson’s #1 fan
Quality of reviews may vary
Perfect vehicle for Don Knotts because of how well it lets him play up his scared guy shtick. Also just a really good mystery and some great special effects with the haunted house stuff. A better Scooby-Doo movie than those lousy ones from the early 2000s
This would pair well with The Private Eyes, starring Knotts and Tim Conway
Crazy that they finally made a great theatrical Looney Tunes movie instead of something that feels like a reheated Muppets script and then Warner Bros hung it out to dry by selling it to a small studio with no marketing budget
Five stars is maybe hyperbolic but I don’t really care. This movie was very much my thing
Really gorgeous movie to look at, even if the animation is sometimes a bit overly “bouncy.” It’s so bright and vibrant. Great…
This movie has the exact feel of seeing an old friend for the first time in a while — a little older, a little slower but nothing’s really changed in spirit
It captures the feel of the show flawlessly despite being off the air for over a decade. The lead actors all slip right back into their roles flawlessly. Tony Shalhoub especially does a great job returning to Adrian Monk
In a lot of ways this is just a double…
Why would the studio stand behind someone as problematic as Ezra Miller when the finished product is this bad? Absolutely nothing about this movie works
- Phoned in performances
- Poorly-done special effects
- Limp plot bordering on incomprehensible
- Half-baked, unearned emotional beats. I an the world’s biggest mark for sad mom stories and this one left me cold
- Immoral, ghoulish CGI recreations of dead (and some living) actors solely for the sake of applause that, in my…