
James Patron

...sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand.

Favorite films

  • The Tree of Life
  • The Double Life of Véronique
  • The Exorcist
  • My Winnipeg

Recent activity

  • Retribution


  • A Ladder


  • Eraserhead Stories


  • Fire (Pożar)


Pinned reviews

  • Hiroshima Mon Amour

    Hiroshima Mon Amour

    The weight of your memory brings me to my knees. How I wish I could turn away from the visions of you. In anguish am I when remembering your story; remembering that you are not here. Nor does the me that existed with you still breathe. So I mourn him too. To remember burns as if my heart were replaced by a nuclear core...

    But oh to forget. The thought of forgetting your song fills me with a seeping dread…

Recent reviews

  • Retribution



    The forgotten ghosts
    the living guilt.

    The land is falling apart, it trembles and splits asunder. The primordial waters we crawled from leaking and pooling in the opening cracks of societal foundations. The waters of creation reclaiming the trespassing concrete. Drowning ourselves in the amniotic fluid. We arrive in Hades via the ferryman, taking us across Styx to apologise to those we abandoned, to those we forgot. For death is a forced exodus.

  • A Ladder

    A Ladder


    Embers reaching to the cosmos
    wishing union with their reflection
    that they find in the stars
    back to smoke.

    Screaming fire that burned
    in rage
    and died
    from beginning to end,
    back to smoke.

    The ladder with no end.

Popular reviews

  • The Straight Story

    The Straight Story


    David Lynch lives forever.

    Time passes by too fast for us to even notice it and the world seems set on beating it to the finish line. Beauty exists in patience. Life lives in the breeze stroking through leaves, not in the gusts of the highway.

    Isn't it beautiful that the stars we stared at as we lay on wet grass together in youth are the same ones above us right now... let us lay again.

  • Eraserhead



    The fear of the creative powers in your loins. The fear of settling; of commitment. The fear of giving your life, your space and your energy to another person. The fear of picking the 'right one' and the chain that bounds you to your choice. The fear of producing desperately fragile new life with that person and having to attend to it. The fear of impressing in-laws. The fear of fucking everything up by not understanding how to carve new…