i like rats
fav subgenres
1. lovecraftian
2. found footage mockumentaries
3. psychological horror
4. disney-esque animations
5. rom-coms
the reason why i dont like this classic as much is Jack already looks like a freak by the start of the film. that man doesnt look guilty, he looks like an axe-thrower. but shelley duvall is a gem.
every second & every frame of this film is pure artistry. it’s the kind of work that needs multiple rewatches to fully grasp and appreciate each intricate detail. one theory that fascinated me was that the original mother had a crooked nose, but when coraline escapes the other mother (with a straight nose) and returns to the original world, the original mother’s nose is suddenly straight. did coraline truly escape in the end? we’ll never know.
visceral primal instinctual fear and gutting inevitable lasting sadness