
Jannes Patron

Letterboxd helps me to remember things.

Favorite films

  • Mulholland Drive
  • In the Mood for Love
  • Columbus
  • La Soufrière: Waiting for an Inevitable Catastrophe

Recent activity

  • Riff Raff

  • Seduce Me


  • Late Shift


  • Sing Sing


Pinned reviews

  • The Lost City

    The Lost City

    Im Kino auszuhalten.
    Es gibt diese schöne Szene, in der sich Sandra Bullock darüber aufregt, dass sie Schundliteratur schreibt. Verschwendetes Potential. Aber Channing Tatum muntert sie auf, ihre Romane würden doch so vielen Menschen Freude machen. Da hatte ich das Gefühl, der Film versucht sich selbst zu rechtfertigen. Kann ich aber verstehen.

  • Moonage Daydream

    Moonage Daydream


    A one of a kind experience.

    Moonage Daydream exceeds all expectations one could have about a documentary film portrait. Actually it's hard to put into words, what this film, or rather experience, even is.

    Actually I would say that I've never seen a film that felt more like it belongs into theaters than Moonage Daydream. The visuals are astonishing on their own but the sound design is from another world.

    Layer upon layer, sound bite upon sound bite, it seems, this…

Recent reviews


Popular reviews

  • Children of Men

    Children of Men


    Sometimes you first realize how much you like a movie months or maybe even years after you watched it for the first time. You don't really think about it but every once in a while it creeps into your consciousness and reminds you of its existence. And then you finally rewatch the film and you realize not only how much you have remembered about it but also how great it is, because the whole time it was on your mind, subconsciously waiting to be experienced again.

  • Paprika



    Interesting. I expected Paprika to be a lot closer to Inception. Paprika is chaotic and fast paced whereas Inception is very structured and rather slow. Also Nolan explains everything, it's just the concept that's complicated. Kon in the beginning explains a little bit, but even that is kind of confusing and towards the end it's just a good mess.

    I would say Inception and Paprika are somehow opposite. Obviously there is a lot in Inception that seems to be rooted…