10X better than Emilia Perez!!!!! Go watch it now!
10X veces mejor que Emilia Pérez , véanla
Watch here / ver aquí
10X better than Emilia Perez!!!!! Go watch it now!
10X veces mejor que Emilia Pérez , véanla
Watch here / ver aquí
A movie that gives justice and stays true to the king of the Monsters! Reminds you how scary, beastly and threatening Godzilla really is … while made me care so much about the humans and their story! Strongly character driven, feels real on its themes of love, honor, bravery, sacrifice and what it means to be a MAN! An impressive feat this movie is ; most impressive! Never bored, interesting from start to finish!
A MUST WATCH for Godzilla fans! Flawless and perfectly satisfying! A TRUE MASTERPIECE!
Much missed and much needed comedy, haven’t laughed like this in a long time, had a fun blast with it and very relevant today.
I was speechless … A MUST WATCH!
God’s children are NOT for sale.