Jarrod Hart

Jarrod Hart

Favorite films

  • Amélie
  • Back to the Future
  • Die Hard
  • The Thing

Recent activity

  • Misery


  • Blade Runner 2049


  • Blade Runner


  • Parasite


Recent reviews

  • Blade Runner 2049

    Blade Runner 2049


    A few rough edges could have been knocked off, could a been 15mins shorter, but actually did not disappoint.

    PS Have to say, there are easier and more pleasant ways to make super realistic humans 🤔

  • Blade Runner

    Blade Runner


    Watched again today with the kids. Experience tarnished by Amazon Prime UK showing me the theatrical release, voice over, car scene, and not, as titled The Final Cut. No unicorn for me, boo.

    ...but still a great film.

Popular reviews

  • Carry-On



    This film is a great example of wasted potential: nice cast, nice sets, decent acting, likeable characters, an annoying baddy - and even a decent premise...

    ....and then so many absolutely idiotic plot holes.

    I mean where to start?

    Let's do a quiz...

    1) You're at work, in an airport security team. Do you put a random earpiece in your ear when you get a text saying to do so? No? Neither do I.

    2) You wrestle a gun off…

  • World War Z

    World War Z


    W.H.O. Doctor played by whom?

    But seriously Gerry, you have the satellite phone, you have a good theory... fucking tell someone!!!
