

You're in the right place if you want to know about film.

Favorite films

  • Beyond the Black Rainbow
  • Rocky
  • Jason and the Argonauts
  • For a Few Dollars More

Recent activity

  • The Order


  • Twisters

  • Nosferatu

  • Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance


Recent reviews

  • The Order

    The Order


    One of my favorite bad movies.

    I'm a sucker for weird Priest movies, and this is the king of that genre. The love interest is clearly inspired by Marla from Fight Club, and her name is Mara. A pair of poorly directed "creepy kids" frequently appear and serve no narrative purpose. RoboCop is a Cardinal. I also don't think I've ever seen the primary antagonist act in anything else outside of this film.

    There's just no fat on the screen, every scene is a banger. Make some time this weekend to check out The Order.

  • Twisters


    This feels like a Christian movie made for cable television. I don’t know how this ended up in theaters, but it must have been extremely weird and confusing for people who went to see it in one. Somehow even worse than the original.

Popular reviews

  • Uncut Gems

    Uncut Gems


    Acting is good. Music is good. Direction is good. Script is just the worst. Uncomfortable, stressful situations are jammed down your throat so relentlessly that you just start seeing right through them. You can feel the writers sitting at their desks concocting each one of these annoying scenarios that exist only to agitate you. Once that illusion breaks (likely around the scene in which the door locking mechanism stops working) you'll just want it to end.

  • Harakiri



    Probably the greatest samurai film ever made.