Jaxen Lunsford

Jaxen Lunsford Patron

“Your brain is wired to turn emotional states into movies.”- Charlie Kaufman

Favorite films

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion
  • Synecdoche, New York
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • Her

Recent activity

  • Idiocracy


  • Office Space


  • Richard Jewell


  • Marty


Pinned reviews

  • Office Space

    Office Space


    Comfort film since I just started a new job

  • Richard Jewell

    Richard Jewell


    Nice try feds: the movie

Recent reviews

  • Cowboy Bebop: The Movie

    Cowboy Bebop: The Movie


    “He was always alone, always by himself. Never anyone to share the game. He lived in another world. He was that kind of guy.”

  • Berserk



    Skull Knight: Am I a joke to you?

    In all seriousness I do appreciate this morbid alternate reality ending of the story. Not all stories have happy endings and this is probably one of the most brutal instances I’ve seen of that.

Popular reviews

  • One Hour Photo

    One Hour Photo


    Amazing performance from Robin Williams but why did they have to butcher the lore of Evangelion?

  • I'm Thinking of Ending Things

    I'm Thinking of Ending Things


    “How odd. This is probably the last time I’ll ever be in a car with Jake. Soon this will all be a distant memory. We’ll both be in different places, remembering this moment. This shared laugh. And maybe there’ll be regret. Maybe time will soften the harder edges, and we’ll both think that was sort of nice. Why did it have to end? And there’s no way back at that point. There’s never a way back.”

    It’s movies like this…