Jayson Diaz

Jayson Diaz Pro

26 🇨🇺 

Actor and filmbro hater

Extra 0’s in my 10/10 reviews or asterisks indicate my favorite movies.

Favorite films

  • Once Upon a Time in America
  • Once Upon a Time in the West
  • Schindler's List
  • Come and See

Recent activity

  • Memories of Murder


  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


  • Morbius


  • The Karate Kid Part III


Recent reviews

  • Morbius



    Oh my god is this movie awful. Insanely dreadful, boring, and half-assed beyond belief. Aside from a few ironic laughs here and there, this is the most nothing movie I’ve seen in a long time. The acting across the board with a couple of exceptions is very average and unspecial, Jared Leto included. Very strange how he took his usual pretentious and obnoxious method acting approach to this role, yet still comes off like he’s just sleepwalking throughout the production. Like…

  • The Karate Kid Part III

    The Karate Kid Part III


    This movie is literally not even that bad. Yes, there are moments that are very, very cheesy and downright bad and some of the acting is super cheeseball too, but this movie still has plenty of good things about it. For one, Ralph Macchio and Pat Morita are on their A-game and I in particular love Daniel’s arc in this. When Thomas Ian Griffith is acting normally and not like a coked up wack job, he’s quite charismatic. The fight…

Popular reviews

  • Wicked



    Very long, but the whole cast (especially our two leads) is very good, and the numbers were super well done. As far as the length goes, it mostly kept a good pace and I only really felt the length towards the middle of the film. Also, we can all agree Michelle Yeoh is HER right? Lastly, don’t let the “real cinephile” bros get ahold of this. Fuck off and go back to jerking it to Oppenheimer or whatever. 

    7.5/10 close to an 8

  • Who Killed Captain Alex?

    Who Killed Captain Alex?


    I was far more invested in this movie than TAR :p

