

Favorite films

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Magnolia
  • 8½
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Recent activity

  • Perfect Blue


  • Happiness


  • Network


  • Sunset Boulevard


Recent reviews

  • Phantom Thread

    Phantom Thread


    Sigh, another story about a tortured male genius having his life turned upside down by a childish and demanding woma- hold the phone...

  • The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

    The Treasure of the Sierra Madre


    A classic Bogart film, with a classic Bogart performance. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre has a sound story, but it is the changing ideas that the viewer has about the three main characters throughout the film that makes the film. Throughout the story, the characters undergo problem after problem, and each one leaves them a different man, however the film expertly shows how the raw nature of a person can determine their outcome, no matter what they face. The…

Popular reviews

  • No Country for Old Men

    No Country for Old Men


    The Coen Brothers most curious film, simply because of how normal it is in comparison to their other work. A fairly standard cat and mouse game, with no real exceptions to the stereotype. This film, however, had that Coen Brothers style in which there was something missing from the characters to give them that complete human quality. The statement was clear, not a lot of work was done to cover up the intent of the film, but I feel that…

  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

    One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest


    A well rounded story in which I can't really find many faults. However It was the characters and their journey, as well the emotional depth of the film, exploring many ideas about humanity as a society, that makes it one of the greatest films ever made.
