

I love almost every movie I see
So if you're looking for a variety of ratings, head somewhere else NARC

Favorite films

  • Broadcast News
  • Stranger Than Fiction
  • Napoleon Dynamite
  • Garfield

Recent activity

  • Withnail & I


  • To Live and Die in L.A.


  • Microwave Massacre

  • Rest in Pieces


Recent reviews

  • Withnail & I

    Withnail & I


    We're not from London!!

    Yes she's incredibly funny but she is also so soggy and sad

    They spend more than half of this movie in a torrential downpour and you can feel it
    Just a weight on them
    How do they make their damp rotten circumstances so endearing

    They are absolutely rancid, foul, hopeless
    But they have each other, and the pursuit of performance

    That's what's so sensual isn't it
    Theatrical zeal in the veins

    It cannot be understated, how…

  • To Live and Die in L.A.

    To Live and Die in L.A.


    Friedkin might be a God
    Has anyone ever looked into that





    William Petersen
    The worst

    A face off between the Wills directed by a Will

    Sorry Wicked, you had your time, your space in my Spotify On Repeat playlist will soon be replaced with the sweet sweet sounds of Wang Chung
    Didn't expect the music to fuck so hard
    On top of everything else

    Makes me wanna
    Degrade women and clean…

Popular reviews

  • Jungle Cruise

    Jungle Cruise


    Ya know
    I went back and forth throughout
    Because at points I was really convinced it was absolute ass, and then other moments turned it around
    I think the cast made it what it was, it got by but only because of them and their delivery and chemistry
    Because the effects were slightly nauseating, even though I respect the filmmaker ability to make that world feel so real and not let it take you out of certain moments, and the…

  • Microwave Massacre

    Microwave Massacre

    Is that
    That's not
    F- frosty ?

    Why yes it is

    You know that short glimpse we get of evil Rodney Dangerfield in Natural born killers
    This felt like 1 hr and 16 mins of that
    In the worst way

    Just weirdly wholesome but also absolutely rancid

    He's so sweaty

    Any threats of death to you would be
    Too kind

    But at the same time

    Count your days !!

    I was on board for most of these
    But this…