Josh Lloyd

Josh Lloyd Pro

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us"
- Gandalf

Favorite films

  • Interstellar
  • Arrival
  • Coraline
  • Everything Everywhere All at Once

Recent activity

  • The Master


  • There Will Be Blood


  • Punch-Drunk Love


  • Magnolia


Recent reviews

  • The Master

    The Master


    Not sure how to feel about this one and I will probably need a rewatch at some point. Obviously very well done in the technicals like all PTA films. The story just didn’t necessarily grab ahold of me. I feel like we don’t see our main character change at all, but maybe that’s the point? I understood the themes and messages but didn’t get very invested in the narrative holistically.

  • There Will Be Blood

    There Will Be Blood


    Wow, incredible film and a masterful performance from Daniel Day Lewis. The score, the cinematography, the directing, all amazing. Specifically loved the fire sequence and what it meant symbolically for the story and how it was shot.

Popular reviews

  • August 32nd on Earth

    August 32nd on Earth


    Like Maelstrom, the narrative of this movie just didn’t work all the well for me, especially the final act. But Denis’s first and second feature length films both contain directorial elements that I really loved. The whole desert sequence and this shots of the salt flats were amazing and definitely elevated the watching experience. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend either of these movies to someone wanting to watch more Villeneuve, but it was fun seeing his thematic and directorial characteristics shining through these early works.

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    This is such a post Oscar win, blank check film and I love that he made it. Seems like Bong Joon-Ho had a lot of fun making this movie and I appreciated how unserious (in a good way) it is. Such a weird movie but hilarious, amusing to watch and Pattinson literally crushes his role.
