Jacks brother Jacks brother

Jacks brother Jacks brother

Favorite films

  • The Witches of Eastwick
  • CJ7
  • CJ7: The Cartoon
  • CJ7: Super Q Team

Recent activity

  • Eddie the Eagle


  • Babygirl


  • Queer


  • Amélie


Recent reviews

  • Eddie the Eagle

    Eddie the Eagle


    I’ve never been injured while playing sport. As a avid hockey player I’ve only missed games from when i almost chopped my thumb off as a kid, when I watched footy, or not to brag, when I went overseas. But I do think of the people I’ve made miss hockey. I was 15 and I was running down the line chasing the ball, invision Harry Potter chasing the golden snitch. I had that much finesse and pace this kid ran…

  • Babygirl



    I expected this movie to be kinky, but not beastiality. We don’t kink shame, but we shame those ones. There ain’t no safe space for that 

    One of my favourite comments I saw about this movie is ive seen porn videos with a better plot line than this

    The movie was similar to the book normal people just if it blended with 50 shades of grey. An amazing amount of nothing said despite them being in the same room the whole movie and the actual sex scenes were beyond mid

Popular reviews

  • Despicable Me 4

    Despicable Me 4


    i was held against my free will by my brother in hongkong to watch this movie. My brother forced me, this isn’t a joke please help me I’m stuck. He made me watch dispixple me and attempted to make me into a mega minion. Please send help. I don’t like this mega minion

  • CJ7



    Maybe one of the only times I’ve cried in front of my mum. 

    My mum bought this movie pirated from a milkbar and we watched it at the caravan when I was a wee boy. Mum originally was going to watch it by herself and i begged to watch this thing. I’m unsure if I could even read the subtitles as I lack(ed) the standard literacy levels for a Australian student of decent.
