Your average nerd
totally not biased towards comic book films......
That'll do donkey. That'll do.
I haven't met many people in life who don't love this film but I simply cannot trust those that say otherwise.
I mean everything is just damn near perfect the plot, the casting and even the jokes. This film at it's heart is an adults film that's disguised as a kids one.
I honestly don't understand how you cannot like this film.
There is no Victor..... Only Doom.
This is by far one of the worst abominations of a superhero film I've ever seen. It's an absolute crime how Marvels first family have been treated here.
This film is just devoid of anything that I could give it points for everything is just complete garbage. Casting wasn't great, plot was awful, dialogue was subpar and the character designs were one of if not the worst I have ever seen! Oh and why is the film so dull in it's colours like did they film this in the 1950s?!?!
I'm convinced Randy Pitchford hates this franchise and is purposely trying to bury it.
Awful, who was this made for?
To quote a friend of mine, it's clobberin' time!
Well this one was a complete stinker literally everything about this film is worse than the first one. Terrible dialogue, terrible plot, terrible villain. I could go on but there's nothing left really to say other than the fact this one wasn't very fantastic at all.