
Jeeves Patron

Favorite films

  • Fight Club
  • A Star Is Born
  • Avengers: Endgame
  • Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom

Recent activity

  • 3:10 to Yuma


  • Super Dark Times


  • The Hunt


  • True Story


Pinned reviews

  • After Hours

    After Hours


    Nothing Good Happens After Midnight

    Fortunately I finished this at 11:52. I take back everything I ever said about Scorsese being overrated. This is cinema, I'm rewatching this every year from now on instead of Endgame. Happy birthday, you fucking legend.

    Martin Scorsese Birthday Marathon Part 2/2
    Overall Martin Scorsese Watchlist Part 15/21 (71.43% complete)
    Previous: The King of Comedy

  • GoldenEye



    I don't remember how I discovered that today was the 15th anniversary of this movie's release but I decided what better time to do my first complete viewing of a James Bond film, and what a fun viewing it was.

    Excuse me while I briefly wax nostalgic... On Christmas 1996, I got my first video game console, a Nintendo 64. A year later, my grandma got me the legendary video game adaptation of this movie in what was the first…

Recent reviews

  • Enter the Void

    Enter the Void


    A very unique film. Hard to watch at times but overall impossible to look away from. Definitely not something I’d be watching on a regular basis.

  • Avengers: Endgame

    Avengers: Endgame


    the yearly tradition continues: starting the movie at 9:29:30 so that Iron Man snaps at midnight

    Happy New Year!

Popular reviews

  • Nobody



    jeopardy in the future be like: "who thought this wasn't the best movie of 2021?"

  • Tenet



    There's not much I can say about this, I'm still somewhat speechless eight hours later, but I'm sure I'll write a better review when I get to rewatch it as soon as possible. With Christopher Nolan being one of my top three favorite directors of all time, this was easily my most anticipated film of 2020. Obviously the year didn't quite according to plan, but I'm grateful I got to see this tentpole of a film at the last minute.…