they’re deadass soooo dramatic ab this papal shit
shoutout to archbishops for smoking lots of cigs except the bumass fascist italian who smokes an iqos
never have i ever sat for so long through such a soulless abyss of meaning that pretends to be about so many things: architecture, xenophobia, the american dream.
and the oscar baity visual ‘beauty’ is so disconnected from any type of meaning as well
the only thing i got from this film was “if you don’t go to israel as a jew you’ll get raped by a rich white man” which is fucking stupid
Bob Dylan was not a revolutionary, but he was a 24 year old genius at calling it how he saw it.
A complete unknown, for all its themes that I thought were half-baked, shows Dylan in all his romantic messianic glory, as an unknowable prophet, rejecting any attempt at interiority just as Dylan did in interviews with media, or when he told people he came from the carnival. We get that in this film too, swept up in the touring,…