Movies, I watch ‘em
I should prob finish mad men
Hellboy has its moments where it’s fucking amazing
these movies were good but they could’ve been out of this world fire
I think they might be way too long and H.B simped over Liz way too much in the first movie and it’s annoying
i see similarities like between this and MIB I think a collab would be fire
Like hellboy as a concept is tuff, he works for the fbi, he hidden from the world and abe 👑 who’s hilarious…
For me movies like robocop were just movies that you know of but never really know what is it about
I felt like light yagami and kanye’s song ‘robocop’ was the deathnote and I was chose to watch this today
Jokes aside I had this on my watchlist after terminator and this was better then I thought it would be
For some reason tho a lot of movies I seen they have an amazing plot but then they somehow not…