Johnny Graterol Guevara

Johnny Graterol Guevara

Favorite films

  • Cyrano de Bergerac
  • Henry V
  • The Fly
  • Eroica

Recent activity

  • Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close


  • The Avengers


  • The Dark Knight Rises


  • Glory


Recent reviews

  • Rock Star

    Rock Star

    A film that intends to pass as the "real life based" tale about Tim "Ripper" Owens and Judas Priest, but ends in "common-clichés-of-rock-and-roll-and-movies" street.

    If you want to know about "Ripper" Owens, the DVD "Live in London" 2003 from Judas Priest would be a better choice. A much better choice...

  • Terminator Salvation

    Terminator Salvation


    How can a machine fall into the "bad guy/character that tell all his master plan to the good guys" cliché? For God's sake! That's like the oldest trick in the book, and here is a machine, the most intelligent A.I. system, the one that almost wiped out humanity, using it!

    Crap. Just a pile of crap.

Popular reviews

  • Rise of the Planet of the Apes

    Rise of the Planet of the Apes


    I was pleased with this successful attempt to reboot the Planet of the Apes franchise: Needless to say, the Tim Burton version now is definitively buried, and more plausible explanations are now in place to tell the story on how the apes managed to dominate the Earth. All the elements have been put in place not only to give a compelling story in this film, but in subsequent ones.

    In the 1967 movie (and all the sequels that came after…

  • Henry V

    Henry V


    The mother of all Shakespeare's adaptions in film, a classic among classics. Kenneth Brannagh shows all his cards (and then some) in this muddy version of "The life of Henry the Fifth". Panache, vigor, and passion are mixed, but well administered in this production.

    Brannagh portrays King Henry, the greatest hero in the history of England, with all the pomp and circumstance required, Also, with all the wit and experience he gained in his years in the English Theater. There…
