Studio Manager at East London Studios
Don't judge me
I thought I dreamt this years ago and it turns out it's a real film.
Who knew?
I quite liked this, everyone was really good, storyline was v predictable
Maryland should be shown in every school up and down the country.
It deals with an incredibly serious subject in such an approachable and unpatronising way that feels incredibly accessible to those who need to hear it the most (if they could bare to see that many women on screen that is).
Highly highly recommend.
This was an experience.
Not like bungee jumping or holding a bald eagle experience.
Eating a 13 day old tuna sandwich found at the back of a student flat sofa experience.
Truly horrific. Not because I'm a pretentious film student. But I really worry about the morals being conveyed to children in this.
The film was none stop drama and new threat without so much a break to catch your breath. I'm pretty sure this film gave me a panic attack.