The movies,
They get me,
I cry a lot at them
It’s nice
Okie second time watching
I’m being cruel
It’s a bit of a problematic movie the second watch
Their sort of wedging in some intense and sad stuff in the middle of a dark comedy and it just does not work ☹️
What happened in the teachers lounge, did not stay in the teachers lounge.
It went very very far. It was in the classrooms. It was at a local bridge in the German town this film is set in at one stage.
No, no, what happened in that lounge was anywhere but the lounge. What happened in the lounge though? That’s the question.
After watching, I still yearn.
Lead Actor, Leonie Bensesch. I hope they get movie roles, and we see them. Leonie was 🥳❤️🔥