

Favorite films

  • The Train
  • My Neighbor Totoro
  • The Muppet Movie

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • The Muppets


  • Sonic the Hedgehog 3


  • The Green Goblin's Last Stand


Recent reviews

  • Sonic the Hedgehog 3

    Sonic the Hedgehog 3


    Remember that first trailer for the original Sonic movies, before the complete makeover?

    We went from a single movie destined to Morbius infamy to a Trilogy of some of the best game adaptations ever made.

    Not only that; this movie is incredibly fun and does a very good job adapting the game canon and characters. Its doesn't 1 to 1 recreate the canon, but it doesn't have to - takes what works and gives new spins on things while peppering…

  • The Polar Express

    The Polar Express


    Strange, loud, and abrasive. It's as if Zemeckis thought "well this is for kids and kids are Dumb, so i have to put in the most baffling and noisy action sequences I can." It's has its moments -the tracking shot following the lost ticket, or example - but they are Seldom. It's mostly just... weird, but not in a fun way.

Popular reviews

  • Island of Lost Souls

    Island of Lost Souls


    This is such a piece of creativity that I could not help but be amazed. While the plot is simple, the production takes up the slack and makes this movie incredible. At times the cinematography was so surprising in quality and ambition that I was breathtaken. The creature effects feel far ahead of their time. Charles Laughton adds layers of sinister and menace to his character.
    Some who are accustomed to modern filmmaking may find it boring - it can…

  • Heretic



    Good acting, great cinematography. Just gets bogged down in Big Topic Discussions to the point where at times it becomes a lecture.