Joseph J. Alexander

Joseph J. Alexander

Favorite films

  • Fight Club
  • Chef
  • Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
  • High Fidelity

Recent activity

  • Lake Michigan Monster


  • Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical


  • Let's Scare Jessica to Death


  • The Alchemist Cookbook


Recent reviews

  • Lake Michigan Monster

    Lake Michigan Monster


    I commend the visual and technical achievements that were made on only a $7,000 budget. However, the scri[pt is extremely lacking in parts and at time it tries too hard to become the nxt "big cult classic."

    Reviewed on Season 2 Episode 2 of Wild Card Cinema

  • Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical

    Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical


    A modern musical that deserves to be revered alongside the likes of Rocky Horror and Little Shop of Horrors. Relies on a smarter brand of humor that may totally pass over some people's heads.

    Reviewed on Season 2 Episode 2 of Wild Card Cinema

Popular reviews

  • Thank You Dr. Fauci

    Thank You Dr. Fauci


    This film is just shy of a 3 am YouTube rabbit hole conspiracy theory video you hope your paranoid father-in-law doesn't stumble across.

    This "documentary" is a 90 minute hit piece that implicates Anthony Fauci is not only one of the "masterminds' behind the COVID-19 pandemic, but that he had a hand in the Ebola outbreak in west Africa and even may be responsible for the "invention" of HIV. The filmmaker even has the gall to make claims that Fauci…

  • Captain America: Brave New World

    Captain America: Brave New World


    Anyone hating on this fulm is just doing it because it's the "in" thing to hate on everything MCU

    Either that or because it was more of a political suspense thriller that requires an ounce of thought.