“He’s not the guy, I am”
“And you are”
“I’m the guy”
A lot better and funnier than I expected. Interesting to debate the perspectives of Hoffman and Hayden
Natalie: I’m gonna kill Jack if he mentions another thing about law school during a movie
This movie was able to sneak in capitalism being the bad guy. Any movie that’s able to do that when set in Oklahoma deserves a good rating (especially when this type of practice is actually a real thing).
On a movie point: I liked the story, the main characters, and the action was great. I felt the tornadoes which I think was the thing that matters.
When Glenn Powell makes a movie, I will be firmly sat in the front…
I forget when I watched but I won’t forget watching this movie. Another great story that I think requires rewatching because people won’t get it. Was very tough to watch as I had my sister Nora with me who is only 10 currently.