Second viewing. Still funny, charming, and beautiful to look at.
I think I might like 2005's Pride and Prejudice more as a movie, but this is my favorite Austen story.
The 2nd half set piece rules, but I still prefer the tension and slasher tone of the 1st half. And I don't understand why Tarantino abandons the grindhousey visual flair -- the damaged film, missing reels, etc. -- in the 2nd half when he switches genres.
Still a great movie. Oh, and the score rocks. Oh, and the writing in the Pam kill sequence is among Tarantino's best work. Oh! And those nachos look incredible!
His weakest movie, my ass. (Sorry, but it's Django.)
Come gather ‘round people
Listen to me groan
This movie’s got plenty I tend to bemoan
And an actor too handsome for playin’ a crone
Still I liked all the songs that he’s singin’
You can take all these tropes, cast them into the wind
But the genre is beyond savin’
Come Academy, critics
Whoever gets to vote
There are films that earn runtime
But more films that don’t
Now, this is the latter
You can feel the bloat
My first exposure to David Lynch was more than likely catching stray glimpses of The Elephant Man on TV, but my first real exposure to Lynch was Mulholland Drive in college. I sat alone in my room in my junior year apartment for almost two and a half hours, oblivious to any possible ambient noise from my roommates. My first taste of his beautiful, haunting, mesmerizing, and often darkly funny style was like a drug. As soon as it ended,…