17 yo
" Cinema is the most beautiful fraud in the world "
Insta : jeanne_lzrv
Gosh the costums were awful... and the CGI ! I can't believe a movie with such a large budget made the dwarfs look so bad ! And even the accessories looked terrible - every diamond looked like plastic
Don't even get me started on Gal Gadot's acting...
I know it has already been said a million times, but the ending completely ruined the film
I think Piledriver Waltz might be one of my favorite songs made for a movie. I don't know quite how to put it into words but just the line "if you're gonna try and walk on water, make sure you wear your comfortable shoes" somehow encapsulates the entire movie. The song is so good I can barely describe it.
Like the song, Submarine is an oddly comforting coming of age story, about relationships, that lingers in your mind long after the credits roll to this masterpeace of a song