Favorite films

  • GoodFellas
  • The Thing
  • Ran
  • Jurassic Park

Recent activity

  • Seconds Out


  • Invincible


  • Ocean's Eleven


  • Blue Planet II


Recent reviews

  • Seconds Out

    Seconds Out


    A solid short film from a director is getting all the praise he fucking deserve.

    Watching this I wouldn’t relate he would go on and make boiling point a 5/5 for me

  • Invincible



    A show which has got everybody hyped even people who hate superhero stuff which is something really fucking impressive.

    One thing I admire about this show is the characters and how you could ask anybody and they could have a favourite character differ from any one else’s and it would be valid. This is due to the world building of the show every character has there own narrative going and evolves along every episode.

    My personal favourite characters who should…

Popular reviews

  • Scent of a Woman

    Scent of a Woman


    Average rating of 3.9 ? Expected at least an average rating of a 4.2.

    The film is an amazing earful story and a loveletter to the audience who is watching the film and is following the characters arcs because the film really awards you for really paying attention to your characters. Ww follows Al Pacino characters in self realisation of his places in the world. It really is beautiful. The monologues in the film are just spectacular the writing is…

  • The Penguin

    The Penguin


    Review every ep ever week. End of show give full rating 

    Ep1 4.5

    An amazing pilot which sets the whole show up and introduces the main characters soo well. I also loved the set pieces of Gotham really makes you feel like the city in the comics.

    Ep 2 4/5

    This episode was really just an expansion of the first in quality, another episode which gets me exited for the whole show. I feel like you can start to see…
