wondering about Kevin Costner and his whole vibe
ending courtroom scene put this up to 5 stars for me idk man
James’ Hard Drive movie 2/???
this time w/ P, grieving grieving constantly. both of us so far from home.
« It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to. »
Rest in Peace James
James’ Hard Drive Watching Series 1/???
official launch of an effort to watch every single one of the movies James took the time to put on his hard drive, movies he loved or at least appreciated enough to try and save forever
went into Alphaville pretty much blind, forgot it was a Godard, had no idea it was sci-fi. first half of this movie sucked me in. bonkers. the step by step reveal of the world was nice. second half, admittedly, attention wavered a bit but I think grief has this effect on me recently.