Jess Muks

Jess Muks Pro

Jess | she/her/hers | 36 | 📽 buff since 2001

Favorite films

  • Little Women
  • Manchester by the Sea
  • La La Land
  • Into the Wild

Recent activity

  • Presence


  • Companion


  • Mudbound


  • The Order


Recent reviews

  • Presence



    The pride I felt when I turned to my partner and said, "Lucy Liu is giving Mary Tyler Moore in Ordinary People" only for Beth Jarrett to be name-dropped moments later. 🔥

  • Companion



    I hope this film marks the era of Rupert Friend being cast as Freaky Lil' Weirdos alongside Dan Stevens.

    Otherwise, the film is half as clever as it thinks it is and half as funny as it wants to be.

Popular reviews

  • The Little Death

    The Little Death


    Loved the whole film, but the video relay scene, cut and packaged as its own entity, would have won Best Short Film at the Oscars.

  • Pulp Fiction

    Pulp Fiction


    Without a doubt one of my biggest gaps in film knowledge until now. I knew the gifs and the memes and the Royale with cheese and the path of the righteous man, but it didn't lessen the impact on screen in the moment. I laughed shamelessly hard at the scene with Marvin.

    Weirdly enough, it made me appreciate Once Upon a Hollywood quite a bit more. I missed Rick and Cliff and the bittersweet reimagining of Sharon Tate. Strange how movies can do that.