"The eye superficial, the ear profound and inventive."
Maybe too early to say, but perhaps the best of the franchise. Some of the best sound design I have ever heard in an action film. And, that's a tall, tall order. In between the manic, surprisingly soulful storylines, especially the ending, Ferguson and Bassett are terrific, Baldwin steps up, and Cavill and Harris deliver. Brilliant to bring Monaghan back for several incredibly touching scenes. Dazzling photography. Befitting editing. Resplendent locations. Just the right amount of comic relief. I typically…
If wave after wave of full-body emotional reactions are any indication, then Little Women is the best goddamn theatrical film experience I've had in many years. The Academy ought to be positively ashamed for not including Greta Gerwig in the Director category of nominations.
This adaptation is sublime.
Each performance of the major actors is rendered so beautifully, so thoughtfully, and so genuinely that I thoroughly forgot the outside world and submerged myself in this film's world, which, I think,…