jem jem

jem jem Pro


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  • Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
  • Little Shop of Horrors

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Recent reviews

  • General Della Rovere

    General Della Rovere


    The subtitles on this one were quite curious... Half the time there was no attempt to subtitle the German dialogue, but when there was it was on top of existing German-to-Italian subtitles. Sometimes the English subtitles were moved up the screen a bit to avoid overlapping the Italian ones, but not always.

    Visually as well, they were really scratchy and seemingly drawn on frame by frame, though in a pretty consistent typeface. Would love to know more about the process…

  • Hard Truths

    Hard Truths


    MIFF called this a preview but it's been out for a month already? So it's just a view.

    Saw the trailer for this in front of a bunch of other movies and wasn't too impressed, but I really liked this actually.

Popular reviews

  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


    Fucking gorgeous movie, this is. Cinematography, blocking, grading and effects are all top notch. Not that you'd expect anything less from Alfonso.

    Obviously this one really set the tone for all the movies to come, though sadly those end up being little more than poor imitations.

    In my mind the first two movies have this distinctive kinda plasticky look to their CGI which this movie significantly improves on, but this is actually less the case then I remember. Buckbeak actually…

  • Dream Team

    Dream Team


    Stroke my ass

    Had a great time with this! Wasn't prepared for how camp and horny it was, but loved it for that. Good choice for a 9pm session, definitely not too much missed by being half awake.

    Understandably a bit of a niche one, as evidenced by the number of people who got up and left (the entire back row?).