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Favorite films

  • The Great Race
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • Princess Mononoke

Recent activity

  • Spider-Man


  • Candyman


  • Hostel


  • Waking Ned Devine


Recent reviews

  • Spider-Man



    *explodes onto the scene*
    “Out am I?!”
    *atomizes some board members*

  • Candyman



    The true horror isn’t when the event happens, when all witness the pain and suffering of the weak, and the helplessness to aid their fellow man. When their cries echo amid the concrete walls of skyscrapers. It’s after the shadows fall, when all who saw it are long buried; but the tale is still told, between friends nestled around campfires, in damp abandoned streets, and lovers cuddling on a sofa. That’s when it becomes true horror; it’s the memory that endures and both inspires and damns us in equal parts to oblivion.

Popular reviews

  • The Hurt Locker

    The Hurt Locker


    Why don’t people talk about Kathryn Bigelow as much as Greta Gerwig? She’s fucking awesome and makes amazing films, and is an extremely compelling filmmaker. This film was stressful, intense, and thought provoking. One of my favorite Iraq war films to date. 

    And no I don’t think I’d prosper in war as much as William James. That guy can’t get enough of it.

  • Waking Ned Devine

    Waking Ned Devine


    These are the kinds of shenanigans I aspire to get into when I’m old.
