

Favorite films

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  • They Shoot Horses, Don't They?
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  • Snow White

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Recent reviews

  • Snow White

    Snow White

    Snow White and the seven Zemeckisian eyesores, and the predictably wooden and utterly unbeguiling Gadot performance, and the handful of new Pasek and Paul flopsongs. Couple of not bad songs too though. Plus I think Zegler is talented and charming. It’s nothing, but also who cares.

  • Locked


    Fun concept that in execution starts feeling pretty tired long before its conclusion. Good for Hopkins though, hope he had a nice time.

Popular reviews

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    The 8th Annual Live 'On Cinema' Oscar Special

    5 bags of popcorn and maybe a tiny little coffin for the rat that Tim murdered.

    Another incredible unparalleled experience. Brilliant and bizarre images are cast up on screen while men suffer in the personal hells they build and maintain and it's all shot and edited as it's happening live. On Cinema has always been an intriguingly participatory and modular work, and this special went even further into this vein of digital aesthetics which required invested viewers to run two…

  • The 12th Annual On Cinema Oscar Special

    The 12th Annual On Cinema Oscar Special

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